By Jeff , 12 January 2022

Lots of back end changes were made to make the code more manageable.

Fixed some issues with the OAuth authentications to be a bit more reliable.

Fixed some issues with the Potluck ballot

Updated the back end software to be more up to date. Will need to do this again soon.

Made the Twitter and OpenTag meta tags more complete and adjusted per page

Added Twitter and OpenTag meta tags to the ballots for sharing links more informative.

Some other SEO changes were made.

By Jeff , 3 April 2021

Small update, added dark mode and security features. The dark mode is activated by system configuration. I also made some fixes to the styles of the interface and fixed some misbehaving controls.

Spring is almost here, so my updates will be farther apart unless there is a major issue.

By Jeff , 20 February 2021

New ballot type Pot Luck. For those that love to throw potluck, but people keep bring the same as someone else and don't communicate. There is now a solution to that problem. As things get added to the list any one wanting to add something can see what others have already submitted. This can be used for anything where you bring something to share like food, games, or something else.

By Jeff , 14 May 2020

Made things a bit cleaner code wise. Lots of changes on the back end to make it easier to add other ballot types to the app. There is still some code cleaning that needs to happen. It is amazing what you can learn in 3 years and how ugly things look 3 years later.

By Jeff , 22 February 2020

After about 3 years of use with some friends of mine, I am opening this up to the world. I have added a landing page to the site that I see a number of people trying to hit but only see a "Sign in" button and a footer. There are a few other cosmetic changes that I have made, mainly to the title bar to make it look a bit more like an application.

I currently have 3 basic types of ballots Multiple Choice, RSVP and Count.